When you have landed a new job, or even your first job, there are a few things that you should do before you start work. Taking care of these five simple things will help your transition into your new job go smoothly, and make your overall life much easier.

1. Establish A Bank Account. Most employers encourage the use of direct deposit for your paychecks. Establishing a bank account prior to starting your job will allow you to take advantage of this convenience. Look for a bank account that offers a free debit card and little or no fees attached to the account. As a bonus, most people that use direct deposit have access to their paychecks earlier than those who receive a paper check. You can use local directories such as Bizwiki to find banks near you.

2. Fine Tune Transportation. If you are using your own car, make sure that it is physically sound so that you have no problems getting back and forth to work. If you are using public transportation, make sure that you have a pass and that you review the route and any transfers you may have to take before you go the first day.

3. Purchase Suitable Clothing. You want to make sure that you have the right clothes for your new job. Try to have enough clothes to get through the first week and that can be interchanged for the second week. You can keep adding to your wardrobe once your pay starts coming in. It is always important to make a good first impression during your initial week at work.

4. Clean Out Your Wallet or Purse. During your first week at work, you will be asked for identification and other things for company paperwork. You do not want to open your wallet or purse and have a barrage of things fall out. Many employers will judge you based on how your wallet or purse appears when it is opened. A messy or cluttered wallet can give the impression of a messy or cluttered employee.

5. Take A Relax Day. When you start your new job, you want to look and feel great. You do not want to feel tired or sore. You want to look alert and have a fresh outlook. Take the day before you start a new job and truly relax. Get a good night of sleep and eat right so that you start your new job off in the right direction.

These five simple things take very little effort to accomplish, but they can make a really big difference in your new career.




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